Root Canal Therapy
Saving Your Smile
What’s Involved in a Root Canal?
The process of getting a root canal feels quite similar to what you would experience with any other type of dental work. Because we numb the area being worked on, you’ll feel comfortable for the entire procedure. Sedation options are also available upon request. After numbing the tooth, an opening is created and the infected nerve tissues are removed. Next, the hollow chamber left behind is cleaned, medicated and sealed off to prevent reinfection. Sometimes swelling or pain will be so severe that we will need to prescribe an antibiotic prior to the treatment, reducing the extent of inflammation in and around the tooth.
Do Root Canals Hurt?
Endodontic therapy helps to relieve the pain of an infected or damaged tooth. Severe abscesses may need to be treated with an antibiotic before your root canal so that local anaesthetic can quickly numb the area. If not, any type of dental work would likely be uncomfortable. Fortunately, the resources that we have on hand make it possible to perform gentle root canals in an efficient time frame without causing unwanted discomfort.
After Your Treatment
Because an endodontically treated tooth is no longer alive, it can become brittle and more susceptible to wear with everyday use. To protect and allow it to continue functioning normally, you’ll want to have a permanent crown bonded over the tooth a few weeks later. Be sure to thoroughly brush and floss around your treated tooth. The remaining enamel and gums are still susceptible to infection if not cleaned regularly.
Root Canal Treatment:
- Consultation – Code: 013
- Relevant xrays – Code: 022 x 2
- Preparation of root canal – Code: 415, 416
- Filling/obturation of root canal – Code: 417, 418, 533
$1260 – $1890
- Emergency relief from nerve pain – Code: 419
- Crown (note – a crown is recommended following any root canal treatment) – Code: 613
Schedule you or your family’s six month visit today.